Nonprofit Consultant Landscape Analysis
Nonprofit consultants play a crucial role in the growth of nonprofit organizations by providing vital capacity-building support. Consultants offer unique, third-party perspectives and expertise to help charities with strategic planning, fundraising, marketing, leadership development, and more.
With data from over 1,100 consultants and 400 nonprofits, the Nonprofit Consultant Landscape Analysis provides a behind-the-scenes look into the sector, empowering nonprofits, foundations, and other consultants to make informed decisions about how they can amplify their impact.

The Nonprofit Consultant Landscape Analysis is now available in your member Dashboard! If you don't already have an account, please create one below to access the report:
Past Nonprofit Consultant Landscape Analysis Reports
2023 Landscape Analysis

The 2024 Consultant Survey Report: Industry Trends, Insights & Analysis
By Prosal, Tufts University, Katalyst Consulting, and Consultants for Good
In this survey, we asked 491 respondents about their consulting practice, company performance in 2023, business development trends, and other insights that consultants and companies who serve them would find invaluable to create a more knowledgable and equitable sector.